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St Columba’s is a Catholic school with Christ’s teachings of love, peace and justice at the heart of all we do



Year Five 2024 - 25

Class Teachers- Mr Richards

Teaching Assistant - Mr Sirrell


Welcome to Year 5!



PE Days - Tuesdays and Wednesdays - thank you!

Parent Welcome Meeting Information



All children are expected to read at home daily and have their reading records signed to reflect this. 


All children are registered to use IXL. We make frequent use of this resource in school but I ask that all children please practice their Maths learning on there for at least 10 minutes a week.


There is a weekly spelling test at the start of each week for all children - spellings are on this page for each week and a weekly number facts test at the start of each week - also on this page. 


There is also optional English and Maths homework set every week to preview or consolidate the week's learning that can be completed and marked at home. If children bring their book in on a Monday with that homework completed, they will receive a homework sticker. Support with that homework is available on a Friday lunchtime.

Year 5 Reading List
