St Columba’s is a Catholic school with Christ’s teachings of love, peace and justice at the heart of all we do
Year Four 2023-24
Class Teacher- Miss Westwood
Higher level Teaching Assistant- Mrs Morris
Welcome to Year 4! We're very glad you're here!
In Year 4, the children complete a multiplication tables check. The children will answer 25 questions and are given 6 seconds to answer each question.
In order to help your child prepare for this, please practise times tables as much as you possibly can; both multiplication facts and division facts.
Each child has been provided with a login for TT Rockstars and can access this at home. If you are having any difficulty with accessing, please see the class teacher for further support. Please see the cheat sheet below for support on the different playing modes.
There are also other websites that are also great for further practise;
Times tables games - Learn them all here!