St Columba’s is a Catholic school with Christ’s teachings of love, peace and justice at the heart of all we do
Geography Intent
At St Columba’s we are committed to providing a creative, inspiring and fully inclusive Geography Curriculum to all our pupils. Our Geography Curriculum forms part of the main Lumen Christi Curriculum, which ensures all learners’ essential skills are being developed alongside the requirements of the National Curriculum.
We strongly believe that Geography plays an important part in developing in pupils, a real sense of identity, their heritage and an understanding of the wider world and its people. We teach Geography in a creative and inspiring way to ensure children develop a curiosity and fascination, with the world and the people who live in it, that will remain with them for life. We ensure through our geography curriculum that our Gospel values are reflected and that pupils are learning and growing to be grateful, and intentional in the way they live and use the resources of the Earth.
Spatial sense is at the heart of our geography curriculum and is built upon and developed each year. Spatial sense enables all children to develop an excellent understanding of where places are, and what places are like both locally and throughout the wider world. Each year, children develop and acquire new mapping skills such as: identifying continents, countries, cities, oceans and mountains. Physical and human features of the world will be analysed in all places studied. This will enable our children to gain a comprehensive understanding of the ways in which different places are interdependent and interconnected. Spatial sense is also the foundation on which children will progressively acquire geographical knowledge and vocabulary.
In lessons, children will use a range of sources of geographical information and equipment to promote the development and progression of essential geographical skills and knowledge. From Reception through to Year 6, along with high quality teaching, geographical skills being developed will include the ability to:
• analyse and communicate with a range of data gathered through experiences of fieldwork that deepen their understanding of geographical processes
• interpret a range of sources of geographical information, including maps, diagrams, globes, aerial photographs and geographical information systems.
• apply effective questioning techniques and express well balanced opinions routed in good knowledge and understanding of current issues in society and the environment.
• to measure, record and present findings
Skilful planning ensures that opportunities for cross curricular links are provided, as well as, opportunities to go on educational visits to engage in fieldwork and promote awareness of environmental issues affecting our world today. Our geography curriculum is designed so that our children build on their geographical skills and knowledge year on year, providing them with the cultural capital for future learning and a life-long love of Geography.