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St Columba’s is a Catholic school with Christ’s teachings of love, peace and justice at the heart of all we do

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Advice and support

    Mon 28 Sep 2020
    Please go to the Parents tab/ Autumn term for the latest documents, support  and advice .Thank you
  • Absence Guidelines for parents

    Mon 14 Sep 2020

    Covid-19 related pupil absence

    A quick reference guide for parents and staff (September 2020)

    What to do if…

    Action Needed

    Return to school when…

    …my child has Covid-19 symptoms.

    - Do not come to school

    - Contact school to inform us

    - Self-isolate the whole household

     - Get a test

     - Inform the school immediately about the test result

    …the test comes back negative or a period of 10 days has passed since the symptoms started, and the child feels well.

    …my child tests positive for Covid-19.

    - Do not come to school.

    - Contact school to inform us.

    - Agree an earliest date for possible return (minimum of 10 days).

    - Self-isolate the whole household.

    …10 days have passed since symptoms began, even if they still have a cough or loss of taste/smell. (These symptoms can last for several weeks.)

    AND the child feels well.  

    …my child tests negative.

    - Contact school to inform us.

    - Discuss when your child can come back (same day/next day).

    …the test comes back negative.

    …my child is ill with symptoms not linked to Covid-19.

    - Do not come to school.

    - Contact school to inform us.

    - Ring on each day of illness.

    …after 48 hours following the last bout of sickness or diarrhoea (as per attendance policy)

    …someone in my household has Covid-19 symptoms.

    - Do not come to school.

    - Contact school to inform us.

    - Self-isolate the whole household.

     - Household member to get a test.

     - Inform school immediately about test result.

    …the test comes back negative.

    …someone in my household tests positive for Covid-19.

    - Do not come to school.

    - Contact school to inform us.

    - Agree an earliest date for possible return (minimum of 14 days).

    - Self-isolate the whole household.

    …the child has completed 14 days of isolation.

    …NHS test and trace has identified my child as a close contact of somebody with symptoms or confirmed Covid-19.

    - Do not come to school.

    - Contact school to inform us.

    - Agree an earliest date for possible return (minimum of 14 days).


    …the child has completed 14 days of isolation.

    …NHS test and trace has identified a household member (other than my child) as a close contact of somebody with symptoms or confirmed Covid-19.

    - The household member must self-isolate for 14 days.

    - Child can continue to attend school.

    …child can continue to attend school

    … a sibling attending another school has been sent home to self-isolate due to their being a positive case in their school.

    - Sibling must self-isolate for 14 days.

    - St Mary’s child(ren) can continue to attend.


    …child can continue to attend school

    … my child has travelled abroad from a country or territory that is NOT on the exempt list of countries.

    If returning from a destination where quarantine is needed*:

    -  minimum of 14 days self-isolation for all those who travelled.

    - contact school to inform us you are back in the country and we will agree an earliest date for possible return to school.

     - Self-isolate the whole household.


    *Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) – for up to date travel information

    …the quarantine period of 14 days has been completed.

    … my child has travelled abroad from a country or territory that IS on the exempt list of countries.

    If returning from a destination where quarantine is NOT needed:

    - Check the current Exempt countries and territories list to confirm the country you have travelled from or through is on the exempt list.

    - Ring school to inform us you have returned to the UK and agree a return date to school.

    … you have informed the office of your return to the UK (the office will ask you a few questions about your travel).

    …I have travelled from a country that requires us to quarantine (but my child didn’t travel).

    - As long as you do not have / have not had symptoms in the last 14 days, your child can continue to attend school.

    - The person who has travelled MUST NOT leave the house, including to do pick-ups and drop offs (please contact school if you need support getting your child to school).

    …child can continue to attend school

    …we have received medical advice that my child must resume shielding.

    - Do not come to school.

    - Contact school to inform us.

    - Shield until you are informed that restrictions are lifted and shielding is paused again.

    …school inform you that restrictions have been lifted and your child can return to school again.

    …you receive medical advice that your child may return to school.

    …my child’s bubble is closed due to a Covid-19 outbreak in school.

    - Child must not come to school.

    - Support your child at home with remote education provided by your school.

    - Your child will need to self-isolate for 14 days.

    - Other siblings may continue to attend school.

    …school inform you that the bubble will be reopened.

    … I am unable to get a test for someone in the household who has symptoms

    If you are not able to get a test in the first 5 days of having symptoms, your child and anyone they live with must stay at home and self-isolate for 14 days. Anyone in your support bubble must also stay at home.

    …the child has completed 14 days of isolation.



  • Stranger Danger

    Thu 10 Sep 2020

    As we have started the new year we have received a visit from a local school link officer:  PC Shakespeare with advice on stranger danger. Please talk to your child and advise them to vigilant on their way to and from school and to report any unusual behaviour to a member of staff / yourselves/ local police.  The safety and well being of all our pupils is of paramount importance.

    Thank you

  • Link to Admissions for a secondary school place in September 2021

    Tue 08 Sep 2020

    Applications must be submitted by 31st October 2021 for a Year Seven place.

  • Advice to parents

    Tue 08 Sep 2020

    Good morning, sadly overnight there was a suicide that took place on a Tik Tok live which has made itself into feeds around the world. The advice is to keep your child off TIK TOk over the next few days until the post can be removed. The video is very traumatising and is also circulating on other social media platforms such as Instagram, kids messenger and facebook. Please monitor your child’s use of social media to keep them safe.

    Thank you


  • A new school week

    Sun 06 Sep 2020

    As we approach the beginning of another school week, we look forward to welcoming your child/ children into school. We are excited about meeting our new Reception pupils and hope that they enjoy being in school.

    Thank you for your support and for your smiles whilst you drop off / wait to collect your child. Have a good week.


  • Gifts from God Assembly

    Thu 03 Sep 2020

    Parents are invited to join our Gifts from God assembly at 1.45pm each Friday. A zoom invitation will be sent out via text and parents can access the powerpoint via the parents page/Autumn term 2020.


  • Please read updates - thank you

    Wed 02 Sep 2020

    We hope that your child has had a great first day back in school - they might be  a little tired after the excitement of being back. They were all wonderful- thank you.

    As we start to get used to the 'new normal' we will be addressing and reviewing the actions we have put in place. We will decided to make some minor changes which we hope will make things run as smoothly as possible.

    Pupils in Yrs 3 and 5 are asked to enter school via the playground and make their way round to the stairs where they can easily access their classroom.

    In the morning, Senior staff may ask you about the times you want to collect siblings so that they can be ready for you at the appropriate time when you arrive and this will, we hope reduce parents time waiting.

    Parents can bring siblings together. Staff are located in their classrooms from 8.30am. Pupils will be guided to their rooms and will be supervised when they arrive in the their classrooms.

    Pupils are asked NOT to arrive earlier than 8.30am unless they are accessing Breakfast club.

    Thank you for your continued support.

  • Thank you

    Wed 02 Sep 2020
    Thank you to parents for bringing your child/children back to school. It has been so lovely to see them all and they all look so grown up and smart. Your efforts are really appreciated. Thank you. They have all settled in well and school is buzzing again. 